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    Primo® XT light-guiding acrylic round rod Ghost

    Transparent plexiglas light rod on stock in various diametersFrom 85,80 per rod ex VAT
    light-guiding round rod ghost pyrasiedlight-guiding round rod ghost pyrasiedlight-guiding round rod ghost pyrasiedlight-guiding round rod ghost pyrasiedlight-guiding round rod ghost pyrasied
    light-guiding round rod ghost pyrasied
    light-guiding round rod ghost pyrasied
    light-guiding round rod ghost pyrasied
    light-guiding round rod ghost pyrasied
    light-guiding round rod ghost pyrasied
    Professioneel bewerken van plaatmateriaal

    Op zoek naar een professionele partner voor machinale en handbewerkingen? Voor zakelijke klanten bewerken wij al onze materialen.

    Mail ons: sales@pyrasied.nl
    Bel ons op: +31(0)587676100

    Select options

    Delivery time 7 working days (NL)

    Cut length to size Close saw module
    + extra cut €5.00
    • Emits light
    • UV-resistant
    • Fairly impact-resistant
    Maximum size


    Cut-to-size tubes

    (minimal length: 100mm)

    Need more than 20 cuts? Contact us!

    Mail us
    Call us at: 058 – 76 76 100

    • Product details

    • Characteristics

    • Technical specifications

    Round rod “Ghost” is a light-guiding round rod that lights up evenly and radiates the light sideways. By putting light on the top and/or bottom of the rod, the entire rod will light up, up to 1 meter long. At a length above 1 meter, the intensity of the light source decreases. The round rod “Ghost” is made from extruded acrylic and contains nano-additives that ensure that the light is not only guided through the entire rod but that it also glows sideways. When the light is off, the rod is fully transparent.

    Stock Primo® XT Light-guiding round rod Ghost

    Round rod “Ghost” is currently available in diameter Ø 20 and 40mm. The light-guiding round rod Ghost can be ordered per full length of 2 meters. It is also possible to order the rod cut-to-size with a minimum length of 100mm. We will send you the left-over piece as well. Acrylic in type Ghost is also available as an edge sheet (OPY1 Ghost). OPY1 Ghost is an acrylic sheet with a maximum sheet size of 3050x2030mm. This material is available in thicknesses 5 and 10mm and has the exact same characteristics as the round rod Ghost.

    * Please note, for cut-to-size rods, a delivery time of 7 working days applies. Our standard delivery time applies to full-length rods.


    Round rod “Ghost” can be used as an enlightened rod in showcases, art pieces, decors, staircases, balustrades and furniture.


    Sawing, milling, laser, hot bending, bonding, drilling, faceting, polishing, matting and printing. This light-guiding round rod can be bent.

    Brand names

    Well-known brand names are PLEXIGLAS®, Altuglas®, Astariglas® and Versato®.


    Acrylic / PLEXIGLAS® / PMMA, Light diffusers







    External diameter in mm:

    20, 40




    guides light, UV resistant


    bar- and counter fronts, decors, displays, furniture, light diffusers, lighting fixtures, retail design


    architecture, decor building, display building, interior building, Light, plastic fabricators/trade, retail design, yacht & marine building

    Technical specifications
    Coefficient of expansion:
    0,6 mm/m/10ºC
    1,19 g/cm3
    Thickness tolerance:
    0,4mm +/- 10% of the nominal thickness
    Saw tolerance:
    +/- 1 mm
    Deviation angularity:
    3300 MPa
    Fire classification:
    E according to E13501
    Bending strength:
    1200 kg/cm
    User Temperature:
    -40ºC – + 80ºC
    Clean cut
    Protective film:
    All rods are provided with a PE-protective foil.
    Related materials
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