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    Grootste voorraad acrylaat in NederlandAcrylaat voor professionalsVoorloper op het gebied van gerecycled acrylaat


    Extremely impact-resistant (vandal proof)UV-resistentExcellent fire classification B1
    Materials Applications Frequently Asked Questions Description


    Frequently Asked Questions
    Is it possible to fabricate polycarbonate?

    Polycarbonate is easy to fabricate. The fabrication possibilities are: Sawing, milling, warm or cold bending, gluing, drilling, faceting, matting and printing.

    PyraSied can carry out all the fabrications for you. We deliver from our excellently equipped workplace – where high-tech machinery and classical craftsmanship ensure optimal results, tailor-made according to drawings or designs. If you would like to fabricate polycarbonate yourself, please check our website under ‘fabrications’. Here, you will find more information about fabricating polycarbonate.

    Is it possible to order cut to size polycarbonate sheets, tubes and rods?

    Yes, polycarbonate sheets, tubes and rods can be ordered cut to size via our web shop.
    We have various thicknesses in stock for you.

    What different types of polycarbonate do you have on stock?

    PyraSied is having polycarbonate sheets on stock in the following types: clear, surface structures, directional diffusers, opal, transparent colours, corrugated boards, mirror and rpc.

    Is it possible to order different transparent colours of polycarbonate?

    You can order different transparent colours when you order above 250 kg.

    What are the possible applications of polycarbonate?

    Burglary glazing, glazing for bus stops, bicycle storages, lighting industry, roofing, machine parts, protective caps, baffles technical products/services, marine glazing, light boxes and it is also suitable for the food industry.

    WE Fashion Flagshipstore Amsterdam - PyraSied Xtreme Acrylic
    Stools in fitting rooms made of 100% plastic waste

    Sustainability was an important starting point for the design of the WE Fashion flagship store in Amsterdam. This is reflected in the use of materials. In the store, you will find various materials from our environmentally friendly plastics collection such as the Plasticiet materials in the fitting rooms. We milled the Plasticiet panels in the types: Chocolate Factory, Blizzard and Nova in circles and oval shapes for the stools in the fitting rooms. These sheets are entirely made from plastic waste and are 100% recyclable! ⁠⁠

    WE Fashion Flagshipstore Amsterdam - PyraSied Xtreme Acrylic
    Decorative panels of Greencast® transparent smoke colours

    Transparent coloured sheets made of 100% recycled acrylic have been used here as a decorative panel as a colour accent for the new WE Fashion store in Amsterdam. The stylish base is neutral and timeless and if you look closely, you will see that surprising materials and solutions have been chosen to achieve this. The interior is modular and flexible. The colours are neutral and are combined with exciting accents and partly recycled material combinations.

    Polycarbonate from Pyrasied

    Polycarbonate is a transparent plastic that has exceptionally high impact resistance and is also known as Lexan® or Makrolon®. This material is 250x stronger in comparison to glass. The Lexan sheets are excellent to use for shatterproof glazing, wall cladding and roofing and are also perfect if you are looking for material that must be vandal-proof, burglarproof or extra safe. It is also appropriate to be used in machinery because it is practically unbreakable.

    Polycarbonate has an excellent fire certification of Bs1D0 according to European norm EN 13501-1. This classification indicates that this material is allowed to be used in public spaces, because of the high-temperature resistance. Lexan sheets are self-extinguishing and fire retardant.

    Another characteristic of this material is that it is easy to bend it without cracking. Polycarbonate is unbreakable! Furthermore, the sheets are 50% lighter than glass and are UV-resistant. This means that the material does not yellow when using in outdoor applications.

    If you are looking for material for one of these applications, then polycarbonate is the most suitable material.

    Brand names

    Well-known brand names of the plastic polycarbonate are; Lexan®, Makrolon®, Arla®, Margard®, Calibre®, Radilux®, Quin®, Axxis®, Panlite®, Lexgard® and Makrofol®.


    Meer dan 35 jaar ervaring in de ontwikkeling en bewerking van acrylaat en design kunststoffen.


    Wij leveren snel, op maat en altijd uit eigen voorraad overal in Europa.


    Wij leveren maatwerk voor iedere professional, zowel seriematig als 'one-offs'.


    Wij ontwikkelen jaarlijks nieuwe design- en kleurencollecties en begeleiden klantspecifieke acrylaatproductie voor projecten.