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    Acrylic laser sizes

    Small sizes for wholesale pricesChoice of 3 sizes: 400x600mm, 600x900mm and 600x1200mmVery quick delivery
    Materials Frequently Asked Questions Inspiration Description

    The following acrylic collections can be ordered in laser sizes

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    Frequently Asked Questions
    Which sizes can I order via your Laser Sizes page?

    The standard laser sizes are 400x600mm, 600x900mm and 600x1200mm.

    I would like to order a left-over pallet. Can I determine in advance what I will receive?

    No, our left-over pallets are pallets full of unsorted remnants of acrylic and possibly other plastics. The content of the pallet depends on the production of the previous weeks. If we have a lot of left-overs from a project where coloured transparent acrylic is used, then chances are that you will receive many different colours. The same applies to clear acrylic.

    Since the supply is never the same, we have decided to offer these residual pallets for € 1 per kilo. In this way you have 175 kg of acrylic and other plastics for an affordable price of € 175.

    Left-over pallets are ideal if you use small sizes and still want to have a varied assortment at your disposal.

    Acrylic laser sizes from Pyrasied

    Via our acrylic Laser Sizes page, it is possible to purchase certain materials in three small standard sizes for an affordable unit price. On this page, you can order small format sheets for wholesale prices.

    The standard sizes of the semi-finished products are 400x600mm, 600x900mm and 600x1200mm. These are dimensions that are suitable for various (small) laser machines.

    On the Laser Sizes page, we have made a selection of our entire range with materials that are ideally suited for laser cutting and engraving. For this, we have selected several popular acrylic (Plexiglas) collections to offer for a reduced amount.

    Plexiglas is very easy to laser-cut. With a high-quality laser machine, you can laser-cut plexiglass and other plastic semi-finished products in any desired size or shape. By laser-cutting instead of sawing, the edges are clean and burr-free. The edges are smooth, shiny and clear, this gives the most beautiful result.
    Business user
    Are you a business user? Then contact us for an order code. You can send an email with the request to sales@pyrasied.nl.
    Plexiglas is used for dozens of different applications. It is a very versatile material. The laser machine is a perfect way to fabricate this material into an end product. Acrylic can be lasered into small parts for, for example, jewellery, but also large shapes such as circles, triangles and hearts or in letters suitable for signing/signposting.

    Other examples of lasered end products are plexiglass cake toppers, parts for showcases, plexiglass furniture, plexiglass wall presentations, plexiglass displays, plexiglass art objects and partitions.

    Acrylic can also be engraved with a special laser engraving machine. This allows you to engrave texts or images on an acrylic sheet for various advertising purposes or nameplates, for example.

    The possibilities with acrylic are endless. On our Acrylic Community, there are various examples of applications with acrylic for inspiration.
    Left-over pallets
    In addition to semi-finished products, we also offer left-over (residual) pallets via this page. Left-over pallets are unsorted mix pallets with various materials in various sizes for a very competitive rate, namely € 175, – ex VAT for a pallet full of 175 kg of acrylic. Ideal if you use small sizes and still want to have a varied assortment at your disposal.

    The left-over pallets can be ordered via our webshop or via the sales department via sales@pyrasied.nl.
    Brand names
    Plexiglas®, Versato®, Altuglas® and Astariglas® are brands of the plastic acrylic (PMMA). Greencast® is the official brand name of recycled acrylic.


    Meer dan 35 jaar ervaring in de ontwikkeling en bewerking van acrylaat en design kunststoffen.


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    Wij ontwikkelen jaarlijks nieuwe design- en kleurencollecties en begeleiden klantspecifieke acrylaatproductie voor projecten.