When you are browsing our site, it is possible that some data will be saved. In this privacy statement you will find all information concerning which data is stored and how this data is used. PyraSied will be the controller of this information.
This statement applies to all websites owned by Pyrasied. This includes pyrasied.nl, acryliccommunity.com and fauxtranslucentstones.nl.
In order to ensure a good performing website which is well catered to the wishes of our customers, we collect various types of data. These types of data have different goals and storage periods. Below you will be able to find information explaining what data is stored for which goal and for how long it is stored. Each section also explains how giving permission for gathering the data works. Permission can be divided into three different categories;
Data that fall under legitimate interest does not require permission to be collected. On the other hand, the purpose of the data must be justified and the data may not pose any risks to the privacy of the owner.
All other data require explicit permission. This includes personal data, traceable pseudo-anonymous data and the permission to use the data to profile for example. This permission can be obtained in two ways. By specifically clicking on a button to allow data collection or by executing a certain action. Actions that apply as permissions for certain purposes are, for example, placing an order via our webshop. However, the permission you give is limited by such an act and it may happen that you still explicitly have to give your consent. The way in which the permission is given is indicated for each purpose described below.
For all collected information described below, the information is only used for the purposes it is described. In addition, we do not provide or sell information to third parties besides our processors, which are described individually in this document.
Functional data are data that the website needs to function properly. Without these cookies, it is no longer possible to use the website properly as intended. For this reason, this data will always be used, even if you do not give permission for other data.
This data includes the items in your shopping cart and your login preferences. Without this information, your shopping cart would remain empty and you would not be able to stay logged in during your session. Your selected language is also part of the functional data so that the language does not have to be reset every page.
The analytical data are meant to measure the progress of our website and to improve the website. This group consists of the following data;
This data is used to improve the website at the right points and to measure progress. With this information, we can check whether changes have a positive or negative influence on our website. This is also used to see which pages are visited the most and may require more attention.
This data falls under legitimate interest. Because this information can not be traced back to a person, you do not have to ask permission for this.
All of the above data is automatically removed by Google Analytics 26 months after the last visit to the website.
We use data to make the best possible use of advertisements. For this, we store demographic data and interest categories. This information comes from your google account, and you have or have not given permission for it. Once you have given permission to do so, it falls under legitimate interest. Of course, we will not collect this data if you have not given permission for it.
This data includes standard browsing interests such as “Shopping”, “Home & Garden” or “lifestyles & hobbies”, age and gender of visitors. With this data, we can estimate which ads visitors need most and where we have to place them.
This data is not used for profiling or re-marketing. This means that no automatic profiles are created that are used for personalisation on the site. What we do is analyse the data in order to better understand our visitors and to write content on this basis that better connects to the visitors.
All this data will be deleted 26 months after the last visit to the website.
We are active on social media and understand that you are also possibly. For this reason, we have made it possible to share our content on social media. In order to ensure that the social media buttons function, social media companies place cookies that remember that you are logged in and which pages you share. For more information about the data collected by social media companies, please refer to the privacy statements of these companies. You always have the option to refuse or disable these cookies.
We use Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest and Youtube. On Instagram and Pinterest we use the statistics provided by the platform. These statistics are anonymous and can not be traced back to a person, but they do create an image of the performance of our social media accounts. The possibility of collecting or not collecting your information for statistics on social media depends on your privacy settings on the relevant site. In that respect, the platforms are third parties that provide information to us. We do not use this information for purposes other than those described in this segment.
We use targeted advertising via Instagram. This means that we create a profile, and can advertise posts to the people who fit the profile. As described above, the information used to see whether or not you fit within a profile is managed by Instagram.
We also collect data to better maintain customer relationships and provide better customer service. The data collected for this purpose are intended for various purposes.
When you create an account to purchase a product from us, we collect the necessary data to deliver this product to you. The collected data are as follows;
The email address is required to be able to send confirmations. Name and address are to ensure that the delivery arrives at the right place, and the VAT number is required for businesses in connection with the tax.
In addition, invoices from previous orders are also stored. This is done to make subsequent orders easier and to help the customer better, and because it is necessary for the tax.
You authorise us to use this information for this purpose when you place an order.
The account details are saved until the account is deleted by the owner.
It is possible to contact us personally. There is the possibility of contact with many different departments within PyraSied, but the rules regarding the data are equal for everyone in this respect.
When you send an email, we save the email address and the content of the email, so that we can give an appropriate answer.
You authorise us to use this information for this purpose the moment you send the email.
Emails are deleted after two years. This ensures that repeat orders are simpler and that customers can easily cut subjects from older messages.
Various contact forms can be found on our site. These forms require your name and email address. The email address is, of course, necessary to send an answer. The name is used to correctly address you in our answer.
This applies to the contact forms that can be found at www.pyrasied.nl, www.acryliccommunity.com and www.fauxtranslucentstones.nl. You give us permission to use your email address and name for this purpose the moment you fill out a form.
Contact forms are regarded as emails for the retention period and are therefore deleted after two years.
We use your email address for sending the newsletter. You give us permission to use your email address and to send you the newsletter when you request it. Your data relating to the newsletter will be removed within 4 weeks of the cancellation.
It is possible that a customer receives a personal discount code from us. This code is connected to the customer and can therefore only be used by the specified person.
Information regarding personal discount codes will be kept for up to 4 weeks after use or expiry.
Our acrylic community applies the same privacy rules as the main site of PyraSied. The only exception is the information regarding messages in the acrylic community. All projects on the acrylic community have been placed with explicit permission from the owner of the project. The photos, text about the project and contact details of the owner of the project will be kept and publicly visible until the owner of the project submits a request for removal. When a removal request is submitted, the project will be taken offline and the corresponding information will be deleted.
Documentation regarding a job application will be removed 4 weeks after completion. In some cases, we will ask the applicant for permission to keep the CV longer. In this case, a storage period of 1 year applies.
We work together with a number of materials websites. On these sites, you can find information about our products and it is possible to request more information. When you do this, these sites will send us your details so that we can answer your questions. This concerns name and address details. Below you can see which sites are involved. The received data are only used to answer the questions asked and not for other purposes.
We view the messages we receive as an email and these are stored for 2 years as described under the heading email.
The above-collected data can be viewed by certain departments of PyraSied. Each department only receives relevant information. More information about which specific department has which information is available can be requested by mail.
Processors are external parties that receive data from us with a specific purpose. We have signed a processor agreement with each of the processors where necessary to ensure that all external parties only use the data for the intended purpose. Below are the processors that we work with. For more detailed information about the processors, please view the processor’s privacy statement or request our extended statement.
More information about the privacy policy of Mailchimp can be found on https://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy/.
More information about the privacy policy of Transmission can be found on https://trans-mission.nl/nl/privacy-statement.
More information about the privacy policy of TFF Logistics can be found on https://www.tfflogistics.com/privacy-verklaring/
More information about the privacy policy of Prodin can be found on http://www.prodin.nl/home/article-177?highlight=privacy.
More information about Buckaroo’s privacy policy can be found on https://www.buckaroo.nl/over-ons/privacyverklaring/.
Metorik – Webshop analyse
More information about the privacy policy of Metorik can be found on https://metorik.com/privacy
We want to protect your personal data against unauthorised access or use. We reasonably implement physical, technical and administrative security measures. All our forms are locked https and all our passwords are strong and different. When using external login to our servers, double security is used. We also expect our processors to protect such data.
In the unlikely event that a data breach takes place, we will be transparent about this. We will investigate the nature of the data breach as soon as possible and inform the data subjects. We will also do everything we can to limit the damage.
When a data breach applies to one of our processors, the same applies. According to the processing agreement, the processors are forced to pass on and investigate data leaks immediately, so that the impact remains as small as possible and we can solve the problems.
You have different rights with regard to your data. For data that requires explicit permission, you can decide for yourself whether or not to provide it. You can always change this later. You can request and/or delete the stored data at any time. If you consider this necessary, you can submit a complaint to the personal data authority.
When the privacy statement is enriched with additional information or changes, we will alert users to the changes by means of a message on this page for 30 days. If the processing of collected data has changed, you always have the possibility to adjust your preferences.
For questions or comments, please contact us.
PyraSied Xtreme Acrylic
Apolloweg 26
8938 AT Leeuwarden
Tel: (+31) 058 76 76 100
E-mail: marketing@pyrasied.nl