• Over Pyrasied
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  • What are you looking for?
    Grootste voorraad acrylaat in NederlandAcrylaat voor professionalsVoorloper op het gebied van gerecycled acrylaat
    We are acrylic specialistsWholesaler, fabricator and developer of acrylic and design plasticsForerunner in recycled acrylicMost diverse range of acrylicMore than 35 years of experience in quality plasticsDiscover and order our materials
    What are you looking for?MaterialsLight diffusersEnvironmentally friendlyInspirationFabrications
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    Get inspired by the beauty of design acrylics and other plastics

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    PyraSied: your total supplier for acrylic, polycarbonate and design plastics

    Meer dan 35 jaar ervaring in de ontwikkeling en bewerking van acrylaat en design kunststoffen.


    Wij leveren snel, op maat en altijd uit eigen voorraad overal in Europa.


    Wij leveren maatwerk voor iedere professional, zowel seriematig als 'one-offs'.


    Wij ontwikkelen jaarlijks nieuwe design- en kleurencollecties en begeleiden klantspecifieke acrylaatproductie voor projecten.

    Acrylic specialists of PyraSied

    As PyraSied, we distinguish ourselves by being non-standard. We innovate in materials and we are willing to take risks to come up with solutions for our customers. For example, we like to develop new materials because we want to share our passion for acrylic with everyone. In the field of fabrications, we are service-oriented and groundbreaking. We are happy to take on any challenge!

    Everything is possible and we can help everybody. Even custom-made materials is possible because we think our stock must be accessible to everyone.

    Curious to know more?

    We are the distributor of: